Monday, April 23, 2012

The Homebruin Cup 2

It's that time again for the 2nd annual Homebruin Cup. This post is a little late but there is still time. It is closed to Tennessee Valley Homebrewers club members only. We will be entering some home brews of our own in this competition so wish us luck. We will follow up with a post of results and hopefully some award winning recipes. The winner of Best of Show will have a chance to go on to the national homebrew competition and brew on a commercial brewing system at Calhoun's Brewery with their brewmaster. Good luck to all that enter the competition.


  1. What styles are you submitting? Or is that a secret...

    1. We are entering a Rye Pale Ale and another American Pale Ale. We also have a Cascadian Dark Ale that's probably not going to be entered due to a pretty bad off flavor, but that's for an upcoming post!

  2. Good luck, can't wait for the recipes.

  3. We'll need all the luck we can get. There are many great homebrewers in our club.

  4. Good luch. That is, if you even need it.

  5. So how did you guys do? Any results?

  6. Great post Chris, you're full of interesting posts aren't you.
